Exempt and Hybrid Securities Offerings, published by the Practising Law Institute, is both a comprehensive reference on exempt and hybrid securities offerings, including the history and evolution of exempt offering exemptions, and a practical handbook, with step-by-step guides, practice pointers, and forms. Co-author Anna Pinedo’s 2024 update includes guidance on market trends, rule changes, enforcement

On July 30, 2024, the FDIC proposed revisions to the restrictions on brokered deposits. The revisions would undo many of the key elements of the 2020 revisions and would dramatically expand the number of deposit brokers and the amount of deposits that are brokered. Listen to our podcast to understand what this rollback will mean

Following the financial sector disruptions in 2023, financial institutions turned first to covered bonds for funding and the covered bond market demonstrated its resilience.  Just as the covered bond market remained available through the financial crisis in 2008 through 2010, it remained a safe harbor in recent times.  Now, four continents (in addition to Europe)