The Mayer Brown Director College aims to meet the ambition of directors and boards to add the greatest value to their companies. Our Director College sessions are taught by leading corporate, securities, regulatory and litigation lawyers at Mayer Brown, joined by guest speakers from accounting, consulting and other professional service firms.
ACROSS THE BOARD. We provide private and public companies and their boards with the latest updates, alerts, and resources on Across the Board.
CONSUMER FINANCIAL SERVICES REVIEW. Insights from an industry-leading group of lawyers within Mayer Brown’s global Financial Services Regulatory & Enforcement practice.
EYE ON ESG. Insights to help navigate the ESG landscape on a global scale, covering regulatory, policy, political and industry-related developments, as well as judicial developments and case law.
FREE WRITINGS & PERSPECTIVES. News and views on securities regulation and capital formation.
RETAINED INTEREST. provides updates and analysis on legal and regulatory developments impacting the structured finance industry.
CREDIBLY CHALLENGED PODCAST. Providing updates on risk management issues for financial institutions of all sizes, interviewing top risk leaders in the industry to discuss trends in the industry and their best practices for managing risk.
GLOBAL FINANCIAL MARKETS PODCAST. Insights on finance, financial restructuring, government investigations, litigation, insurance and reinsurance and regulatory developments across the globe.
MB MICROTALKS. Our MicroTalks are brief videos and podcasts on emerging issues, regulatory developments, and discussions regarding securities transactions.
BASEL ENDGAME RESOURCE CENTER. Repository of our publications, seminars, podcasts, and other useful materials to help clients navigate the critical Basel Endgame proposals.
LICENSING LINK. Newsletter covering news, practice tips and primers on issues related to state licensing across the spectrum of asset classes and financial services activities.
WRITING ON THE WALL. Our glossary with over 1,000 securities, derivatives, and financial services terms presented in a light-hearted, interactive website.