On July 26, 2023, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) issued a release, adopting final rules (the “Final Rules”) aimed at standardizing and enhancing disclosure relating to cybersecurity incidents and risk management processes. The SEC had proposed rules (the “Proposed Rules”) on March 9, 2022. The Final Rules reflect the considerable comments received

Dominique Shelton Leipzig
Dominique Shelton Leipzig is a partner in Mayer Brown's Los Angeles office and a member of the Cybersecurity & Data Privacy practice. She serves as the lead for the Global Data Innovation as well as Ad Tech Privacy & Data Management practices. She is one of the country’s top privacy and data lawyers and her considerable experience helps clients navigate the evolving legal compliance issues related to privacy and data security for their digital data initiatives.
With more than 30 years of experience, Dominique provides strategic privacy and cyber-preparedness compliance advice, and defends, counsels and represents companies on privacy, global data security compliance, data breaches and investigations. Her experience includes defending companies under investigation by the Federal Trade Commission, attorneys general offices and other regulatory and government authorities. She advises companies on best practices in privacy, cybersecurity, data, mobile, cloud storage, Ad Tech privacy, Internet of Things and other areas of regulatory compliance.