As we previously blogged, a Trump tweet called on the Securities and Exchange Commission to undertake a study regarding the costs and benefits of quarterly versus semi-annual filings.  Though no particular connection was drawn in the tweet between semi-annual periodic reports and a focus on long-term investment, the Commission responded with a statement from Chair Clayton titled, “Statement on Investing in America for the Long Term,” that refocuses the discussion and is reprinted below in its entirety:

“The President has highlighted a key consideration for American companies and, importantly, American investors and their families — encouraging long-term investment in our country. Many investors and market participants share this perspective on the importance of long-term investing. Recently, the SEC has implemented — and continues to consider — a variety of regulatory changes that encourage long-term capital formation while preserving and, in many instances, enhancing key investor protections. In addition, the SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance continues to study public company reporting requirements, including the frequency of reporting. As always, the SEC welcomes input from companies, investors, and other market participants as our staff considers these important matters.”